LiveJournal icon


Get the official LiveJournal app and access LiveJournal wherever you roam.

Version: 0.4.8

Program available in: English

Program license: Free

Program by: Rambler&Co


LiveJournal is an Android app developed by Rambler&Co (117105, Москва Варшавское ш., 9, стр. 1, БЦ «Даниловская мануфактура», корпус «Ряды Солдатенкова»). Others apps created by Rambler&Co are: Газета.Ru, Redigo.

LiveJournal first became available on 17 Dec 2011. LiveJournal has been awarded with the "Top Developer" badge. It is estimated that LiveJournal has been downloaded between 100000 and 500000 times from the Play Store.


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